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Archive for August 15, 2009

<3 Du'a

If you stay steadfast upon the truth and remain patient during trials, the pain will disappear, and the fatigue will go, and there will remain for you the reward In Shā’ Allāh. Ibn Al-Qayyim says, “And because there is no escape from the pain in full, Allāh Subhānahu comforts whoever chooses the easy, temporary pain over the great, continuous pain with His Statement:

مَنْ كَانَ يَرْجُو لِقَاءَ اللهِ فَإِنَّ أَجَلَ اللهِ لَآتٍ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ
Whoever hopes for the Meeting with Allāh, then Allāh’s Term is surely coming. and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower. [11]

So He made an ending for the period of suffering, and this ending must come, and it is the Day of His meeting, where the slave will then savor the greatest delight over the pain he endured for His Sake and for His pleasure, and his delight and happiness and jubilation will be in accordance with the suffering he endured for Allāh. And He affirmed this consolation and diversion with the hope of His meeting, so that the slave would carry his longing for the meeting with his Lord and Protector over bearing the hardship of the brief pain. Rather, perhaps the longing for His meeting prevents [the slave] from witnessing the pain or feeling it [12]. And because of this, the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم asked His Lord for the longing for His meeting, so he said in the supplication that Ahmad and Ibn Hibbān narrated, “Allāhumma, I ask you by you knowledge of the unseen, and your Power over the creation, cause me to live so long life is better for me, and cause me to die if death is better for me, and I ask You [to grant me] the fear of you in private and in the public, and I ask You for the word of Truth during [times of] anger and during [times of] contentment, and I ask You for moderation during poverty and wealth, and I ask you for comfort that does not cease, and I ask You for a delight of the eyes that does not end, and I ask You for pleasure after [Your] Decree, and I ask You for a good life after death, and I ask You for the delight of gazing upon Your Face, and I ask you for the longing for Your meeting, without any harmful tribulation or misleading trial. Allāhumma, adorn us with the adornment of Faith, and make us guides who are upon [the correct] guidance.” [An-Nasā’ī 3/54-55; Ahmad 4/364. Sahīh An-Nasā’ī 1/281; Sahīh Al-Jāmi’ #1301]


in Surah Taubah, Allah says that “Men of Eman and Woman of Eman are the helpers of one another, they teach good and forbid the evil and keep Salat and give Zakat and obey the order of God and His Messenger. These are those people who God shall have Mercy. No doubt, Allah is All Powerful, All Wise.” (71)

The verse comes right after the verses that explain the vices of the Hypocrites, since the Hypocrites teach vice while the Believers teach virtue. The hypocrites try to make the people averse to Eman and good deeds by presenting a horrible picture of Eman and Islam. They teach bad things to the people by means of ugly devices and by enumerating material benefits of bad and anti-Islamic ideaology. They are motivated by material wealth and have forgotten Allah while the hands of the Believers are purified from the love of wealth and they have no problems making there 5 daily prayers on time.

Then, the Propehy (SAW) is instructed to fight the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites and to be harsh with them in vese 73, since their abobe is none other than Hell. Jihad means to struggle in order to remove an undesireable thing, and according to the general opinion of the Ummat, Jihad of the sword is not prescribed against the Hypocrites who express Islam by tongue but they ar enot Muslims by heart, nor did it happen during the days of the Prophet (SAW). Only if the Hypocricy becomes very clear and is made public, then Jihad by sword can be done against them, although in this verse a harsh attitude is reccomended to be adopted against the Hypocrites (war of Tabuk opened the hypocricy of the Hypocrites). The Holy Prophet (SAW) was very lenient about the Hypocrites because outwardly they also shower themselves as Muslims and claimed to belong with them. When they assumed open infidelity, shalessness and animosity at the time of Tabuk, the Prophet (SAW) was instructed to be harsh in their case. These haughty souls could not be impressed by good morality and lneient behavoir. They required some harshness for correction.

SubhanAllah… this is where patience comes in…and Hope. Hypocricy can be cured…with the help of Allah

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